We are building an ad-free, subscriber-supported (think Netflix for Democracy!) civic social network, built for civic action and education. We will carefully use AI for preemptive content moderation and to help facilitate respectful, fact-based discussions about improving the quality and dignity of life for all. We will partner with trusted third-parties for fact-checking and analysis of news and information as a way to combat propaganda. And we will never sell or share our subscriber data as other platforms do.

Because civ.works is the product, not you.

“It is a great pleasure to welcome civ.works. It’s a wonderful idea, with great promise to provide a platform for meaningful civic action without the severely distorting interference of concentrated power, private or state.  Civ.works is insulated from the forces that have been so destructive of functioning democracy and is readily available for the kinds of constructive use that are so badly needed today.”   

–Noam Chomsky

(Why are we building civ.works? -4 minute explainer video)

Our PSA (Thank you Jim Prues and Ed Peselman).